Latin Verbs

Learn Verb Vocabulary

The tools I am writing are works in progress, and they are for entertainment purposes only. Use them at your own risk. If you do find any errors, please let me know.

Most of the conjugations have been broken up into arbitrary groups to make the lists more manageable. Also, words related to Caesar's Gallic War (according to D'Ooge's Latin for Beginners) are available as their own tool, but all of these words are also included in the groups.

Coniugatio Prima
English to LatinLatin to English
Group I Group I
Group II Group II
Group III Group III
Caesar's Gallic War Caesar's Gallic War
All All

Coniugatio Secunda
English to LatinLatin to English
Group I Group I
Group II Group II
Caesar's Gallic War Caesar's Gallic War
All All

Coniugatio Tertia
English to LatinLatin to English
Group I Group I
Group II Group II
Group III Group III
Caesar's Gallic War Caesar's Gallic War
All All

Coniugatio Quarta
English to LatinLatin to English
Caesar's Gallic War Caesar's Gallic War
All All

Random Conjugation
English to LatinLatin to English
Caesar's Gallic War Caesar's Gallic War
Random Group Random Group

My Other Verb Tools

Coniugatio Prima - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the first conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Secunda - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the second conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Tertia - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the third conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Quarta - You guessed it -- tools I wrote for practicing the fourth conjuagtion.

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Ed Donnelly