Adjectives of the Third Declension

Adjectives of the Third Declension Vocabulary

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Group I Words
English Latin
well-known, noble nobilis, -, nobile
higher superior, -, (superius)
immortal immortalis, -, immortale
fierce, ferox, -, (ferocis)
sweet, pleasant dulcis, -, dulce
slender, thin gracilis, -, gracile
mild lenis, -, lene
brief brevis, -, breve
keen, fierce acer, acris, acre
useful utilis, -, utile
wise sapiens, -, (sapientis)
chief princeps, -, (princepis)
better melior, -, (melius)
worse peior, -, (peius)
hard, difficult difficilis, -, difficile

Latin Other Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly