Declinatio Secunda

The Second Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Caesar's Gallic War Words
English Latin
year annus, -i, m
garrison, protection praesidium, -ii, n
room, space, time spatium, -ii, m
reward praemium, -ii, n
man vir, viri, m
horse equus, -i, m
weapons arma, -orum, m
business, affair negotium, -ii, n
captive captivus, -i, m
plan/purpose consilium, -ii, n
number numerus, -i, m
shield scutum, -i, n
town oppidium, -ii, n
measure, method modus, -i, m
earthworks, ramport vallum, -i, n
offensive weapon/spear telum, -i, n
slave servus, -i, m
sword gladius, -ii, m
building aedificium, -ii, n
council, assembly concilium, -ii, n
footprint, track vestigium, -ii, n
camp castra, -orum, n
forearm, arm bracchium, -ii, n
authority, command imperium, -ii, n
grain frumentum, -i, n
wine vinum, -i, n
field ager, agri, m
teacher magister, magistri, m
eagerness/study studium, -ii, n
ornamnet, jewel ornamentum, -i, n
reign, kingdom regnum, -i, n
boy puer, pueri, m
companion, ally socius, -ii, m
spirit animus, -i, m
wind ventus, -i, m
war bellum, -i, n
word verbum, -i, n
back tergum, -i, n
townsman oppidanus, -i, m
food cibus, -i, m
spear pilum, -i, n
cart, wagon carrus, -i, m
danger periculum, -i, n
people populus, -i, m
the Rhine Rhenus, -i, m
son filius, -ii, m
boat/ship navigium, -ii, n
god deus, -i, m
fort castrum, -i, n
hinderance impedimentum, -i, n
friend amicus, -i, m
wall murus, -i, m
messenger nuntius, -i, m
village vicus, -i, m
sign, seal, signal signum, -i, n
punishment supplicium, -ii, n
baggage impedimenta, -orum, n
lieutenant legatus, -i, m
help, aid auxilium, -i, n
redoubt, fort castellum, -i, n
battle proelium, -ii, n
place locus, -i, m

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly