Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Adjectives and Related Words: Favorable

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English Latin
chaste castus
unhappy unfortunate infelix
sane, healthy sanus
consider worthy dignor, -atus (dep)
happy, fortunate felix, felic-
sweet dulcis
dear carus
sacred, holy sacer, sacr-
noble nobilis
wisdom sapientia
joyful laetus
priest sacerdos, sacerdot-
in truth, really vero
liberty libertas, libertat-
brave, strong fortis
prosperous, fortunate prosperus
worthy dignus
rich, abundant, udder uber
good bonus
impious, godless impius
sacred, festive festus
best optimus
dignity dignitas, diagnitat-
little book libellus
joyful, jolly iucundus
well bene
free liber
special, distinguished praecipuus
kind benignus
set free libero, -avi, -atus
better melior, melius
holy, sacred, saint sanctus
whole, upright integer, integr-
serene, fair weather serenus
mark, note noto, -avi, -atus
unworthy indignus
wealth divitiae
true verus
unknown ignotus
wise sapiens, sapient-
dutiful, God-fearing, pious pius
solemn sollemnis
pure, unmixed merus
famous clarus
distinguished, outstanding insignia
noted, known notus
virtue, piety, devotion pietas
blessed beatus
pure purus
rich dives, divit-
easy, convenient, obliging, fit commodus
suitable to a freeman, generous, noble liberalis
rich dis, dit-
flattering, tempting blandus
sweet, pleasant suavis
book liber, libr-
contented contentus

Latin Basic Vocabulary

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Ed Donnelly