Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Adjectives and Related Words: Number

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English Latin
only, alone, sole solus
so many tot
thousand mille
how many? quot
third tertius
whole universus
three tres
most plurimus
double, twin geminus
much, many multus
six sex
only, sole, unique unicus
nine novem
seven septem
all, the whole cunctus
whole, entire, all totus
fourth quartus
former, prior prior, prius
ten decem
solitude solitudo
any ullus
multitude, large number multitudo
equal, like par
equal, fair, just aequus
two duo
little, small paulus
one unus
few, scarce paucus
hundred centum
single, one at a time singulus
rare, few, scattered rarus
none, no nullus
in like manner, alike pariter
more plus, plur-
five quinque
eight octo
three times ter
all omnis
first primus

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly