Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Adjectives and Related Words: Size

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Latin English
latus, later- side
tenuis thin, weak
brevis short
longus long
quantus how great, how much, as
immensus immense
altus tall, high, deep
gravis heavy, serious
magister, magistr- master, teacher
ingens, ingent- huge, vast
exiguus very little, tiny
levo, -ari, -atus raise
minor, minus smaller, less
parum too little, less
grandis great, large, grand
levis light
largus plentiful, liberal, generous
parvus little, small
amplus ample, large
magnus big great, large
tantus so great, so much
latus broad, wide
minimus smallest, least
magis more, rather
magnitudo, magnitudin- greatness, magnitude
modicus moderate
maior, maius bigger, greater
maximus biggest, greatest

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly