Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Verbs and Related Words: Verbs Which Affect the State of the Object

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Verbs Which Affect the State of the Object
Latin English
tectum roof, dwelling
flecto, flexi, flexus bend
dirigo direct, guide
exercitus army
porrigo extend, stretch out
regio, region- region
tendo, tetendi, tensus stretch, tend, contend
cingo, cinxi, cinctus gird, surround
comparo prepare, compare
regnum kingdom
torreo, torrui, tostus heat, parch, burn
intendo, intendi, intentus aim, intend, direct, be intent on
excito, -avi, -atus excite, arouse
pingo, pinxi, pictus paint, stain, dye, color
ostendo, ostendi, ostentus (or ostensus) show
tego, texi, tectus cover
erigo erect, raise, lift
rego. rexi. rectus rule, direct, govern
muto, -avi, -atus change
tempero, -avi, -atus be temperate, refrain from, temper
regius royal
opprimo, oppressi, oppressus oppress, press down, crush
vinculum bond, fastening, chain
exerceo, exercui. exercitus exercise, train, use, practice
citus quick
divido, divisi, divisus divide, separate, distinguish
rex, reg- king
rectus straight, right
torqueo, torsi, tortus twist, torture
paro, -avi, -atus prepare
absolvo absolve, acquit, free
tero, trivi, tritus rub, wear
pareo, parui, paritus obey
exstinguo, exstinxi, exstinctus extinguish
percutio, percussi, percussus strike
pario, peperi, partus give birth
premo, pressi, pressus press, pursue
regina queen
vincio, vinxi, vinctus bind
regno, -avi, -atus reign, rule
solvo, solvi, solutus loosen, untie

Latin Basic Vocabulary

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Ed Donnelly