Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Nouns and Related Words: Military

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Latin English
proelium battle
praesidium guard, garrison, help
impetus attack
custodia care, custody
significo, -avi, -atus indicate
castellum fortress
victor victor
legatus commander of a legion
hostis enemy
periculum peril, danger
victoria victory
arx, arc- citadel, high fortified part of a city
triumphus triumph
militia military service
sagitta arrow
armo, armavi, armatus to arm
ensis sword
bellum war
moenia walls, ramparts
miles, milit- soldier
vincio, vinxi, vinctum bind
cohors, cohort- cohort, company of soldiers
signum sign, standard, banner
arcus bow
vinco, vici, victus conquer
arma arms
pax, pac- peace
auxilium help
militaris military, soldier
custos, custod- guardian, sentinel
castra camp
gladius sword
telum weapon
praeda booty
legio, legion- legion, regiment

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly