
Latin Pronoun Tools

The tools I am writing are works in progress, and they are for entertainment purposes only. Use them at your own risk. If you do find any errors, please let me know.

Demonstratitve Pronouns

hic, haec, hoc - Declension of the irregular pronoun that means "this."

ille, illa, illud - Declension of the irregular pronoun that means "that."

iste, ista, istud - Declension of the irregular pronoun that means "that," but means it in a slightly different way than does "ille, illa, illud" does.

idem, eadem, idem - Declension of the irregular pronoun that means "the same" (basically).

Personal Pronouns

ego, nos (I, we) - Declension of the irregular first person personal pronoun.

tu, vos (you) - Declension of the irregular second person personal pronoun.

is, ea, id (he, she, it) - Declension of the irregular third person personal pronoun (singular and plural).

Intensive Pronouns

ipse, ipsa, ipsum (himself, herself, iteslf) - Declension of the irregular third person intensive pronoun (singular and plural).

Other Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourself, itself) - Declension of the irregular reflexive pronouns all three persons (singular and plural).

Relative Pronouns (who, which, that) - Declension of the irregular relative pronouns all three genders (qui, quae, quod).

Interrogative Pronouns (who? which?) - Declension of the irregular interrogative pronouns all three genders (quis, quid).

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